Upcoming events.

Caucus Convention Meeting
Join us on Saturday, November 18th at 7:00PM during CADEM's Fall Endorsement Convention for our in-person LGBTQ Caucusmeeting where we'll provide reports from current officers and hear from our elected officials!
Time permitting, candidates will be allowed to address the Caucus at the end of Caucus business with LGBTQ+ identified candidates having priority. Speakers will be given one minute to address the Caucus, time permitting.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Sacramento!
Saturday, November 18, 2023 7:00 PM – 8:45 PM
Sacramento Endorsing Convention
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Introduction of LGBTQ Caucus Board Members
- Co-Chairs: Luis A. Zamora (Northern), Sasha Renee Perez (Southern)
- Vice Chairs: Ryan Trabuco (Southern) & Shay Franco-Clausen (Northern)
- Secretary: John Yi
- Treasurer: Devin Murphy
- At Large: Khilynn Fowler, Honey Mahogany, Dan Arriola, Marsha Conant,
Ryan Darsey, Betty Valencia
- California Young Democrats LGBTQ+ President: Kanin Pruter
4. Consent Agenda:
- Approval of Minutes from 8/19/23 Re-Organizing Convention Caucus Meeting
- Approval of Minutes from 11/11/23 Caucus Meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
5. Co-Chairs Report
6. Democratic National Committee LGBT Members’ Report
7. California Young Democrats LGBTQIA+ Caucus Report
8. Guest Speakers
- Federal Leadership (2 minutes each)
- State Constitutional Leadership (2 minutes each)
- LGBTQ Legislative Caucus (2 minutes each)
- U.S. Senate Candidates (2 minutes each)
- Elected Officials* (1 minute each)
*Priority to LGBTQ Elected Officials
9. All Other Candidates (Time Permitting)
- LGBTQ Candidates (1 minute each)
- Candidates (1 minute each)
10. Ballot Measures (Time Permitting)
11. Announcements (Time Permitting)
12. Adjournment

Bylaw Amendment Virtual Caucus Meeting
Pursuant to our bylaws, Article XVIII: Amendments to the Bylaws, we are writing you to notice the below proposed bylaw amendments to be voted on at our next scheduled meeting of the Caucus on Saturday, November 11th at 11:00AM via Zoom.
The California Democratic Party (CDP) has issued new bylaw requirements that all Caucuses will need to adopt in order to be recertified.
In May of 2023, the Caucus membership voted to adopt and incorporate the newly required CDP bylaw framework. Upon review from the CDP Rules Committee, further bylaw amendments were deemed necessary and a conditional recertification was granted.
The CDP Rules Committee has approved these proposed bylaw amendments for noticing to the membership and they are before you for your consideration. If adopted, the LGBTQ Caucus will then be eligible for full recertification by the CDP Rules Committee.
The full text of the proposed bylaw amendments can be seen here. The proposed changes are in red. The current bylaws can be found on our website www.cdplgbtqcaucus.org
Zoom Information
Saturday, November 11th at 11:00AM
Meeting ID: 868 6899 2155
Passcode: 670391
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86868992155#,,,,*670391# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,86868992155#,,,,*670391# US

Summer Eboard LGBTQ Caucus Meeting
Join us during CADEM's Summer Eboard in Visalia for our CDP LGBTQ Caucus meeting where we'll provide reports from current officers, hear from our DNC LGBTQ delegation, and the California Young Democrats LGBTQIA+ Caucus, and hear from LGBTQ elected officials!
Time permitting, candidates will be allowed to address the Caucus at the end of the program with LGBTQ+ identified candidates having priority. Speakers will be given one minute to address the Caucus, time permitting. We look forward to seeing many of you and to a productive meeting! The minutes from our May 2023 Convention can be found here.
Saturday, August 19, 2023 8:15 PM – 10:00 PM
Summer Executive Board Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome - Co-Chairs
- Luis A. Zamora (Northern)
- Sasha Renée Pérez (Southern)Introduction of LGBTQ Caucus Board Members
- Vice Chairs: Ryan Trabuco (Southern) & Shay Franco-Clausen (Northern)
- Secretary: John Yi
- Treasurer: Devin Muprhy
-At-Large: Khilynn Fowler, Honey Mahogany, Dan Arriola, Marsha Conant, Ryan Darsey, Betty Valencia
-CYD LGBTQIA+ Caucus President: Kanin PruterSecretary’s Report / Consent Items
Treasurer’s Report
Co-Chairs’ Report
DNC LGBT Members’ Report
-Laurence Zakson, Garry Shay, Sean DugarCalifornia Young Democrats LGBTQIA+ Caucus Report
- Kanin PruterGuest Speakers
Candidates (Time Permitting)

2023 LGBTQ Caucus Meeting & Elections at Convention!
The LGBTQ Caucus Meeting & Elections
Pursuant to our bylaws, the upcoming elections for the 2023 - 2025 LGBTQ Caucus leadership will occur in person at the CADEM Convention in Los Angeles during the LGBTQ Caucus meeting that will take place at 7:45 pm on Saturday, May 27 in Meeting Room Platinum A-C at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE. The first order of business will be our Caucus elections followed by Caucus reports and guest speakers throughout the night!
Only those individuals who renewed/joined the Caucus by Friday, April 21, 2023, are eligible to vote in this election. You must be present to vote. No proxy voting is allowed. All members are eligible to vote on any other items of business that evening.
LGBTQ Caucus of the California Democratic Party
Saturday, May27, 2023 7:45 PM – 9:30 PM
Re-Organizing Convention Meeting
J W Marriot, Los Angeles
1. Call to Order and Welcome - Co-Chairs
- Lester Aponte, NorCal (He/Him/His) – Tiffany Woods, SoCal (She/Her/Hers)
2. Introduction of LGBTQ Caucus Executive Board Members
- Denise Penn, SoCal Vice Chair - Devin Murphy, NorCal Vice Chair
- Brendalynn Goodall, Treasurer, - John Yi, Secretary
- Beatriz Valencia, Dan Arriola, Luis Zamora, At-Large
3. Secretary Report
- John Yi (He/Him/His)
4. Credentials Report
- Brendalynn Goodall (She/Her/Hers)
5. Caucus Officer Election (8:00 – 9:00pm) 45-60 minutes
- Election Committee: Jane Wishon (Chair), Steve Bott, Georgette Bradford, Moisés García, and Stephanie Wade
The following candidates were nominated:
Luis Zamora (Northern CA) (he/him/his)
Sasha Renee Perez (Southern CA) (she/her/hers)
Vice Co-Chairs
Shay (Shanta) Franco-Clausen (Northern CA) (she/her/hers)
Ryan Trabuco (Southern CA) (he/him/his)
John Yi (he/him/his)
Devin Murphy (he/him/his)
At-Large Northern CA - 2 positions
Honey Mahogany (she/they)
Justin Howard (they/them)
Khilynn Fowler (she/her/hers)
At-Large Central CA - 2 positions
Dan Arriola (he/him/his)
[No other nominations were made]
At-Large Southern CA - 2 positions
Betty Valencia (she/her/hers)
Ryan Darsey (he/him/his)
Nominations will be accepted from the floor for the second At-Large Central CA position.
7. Treasurer’s Report - Brendalynn Goodall (She/Her/Hers)
8. Co-Chairs Reports – Lester Aponte (He/Him/His) - Tiffany Woods (She/Her/Hers)
9. Legislative LGBTQ Caucus Report – Senator Scott Wiener
10. CA U.S. Senate Candidates (If they arrive during elections, we will fit them in during voting).
· Katie Porter
· Adam Schiff
· Barbara Lee Campaign (Surrogate)
11. Guest Speakers
· California Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis
· Attorney General Rob Bonta
· Board of Equalization Vice Chair Sally Lieber
· Senator Maria Elena Durazo
· Senator Dave Min
· Assemblymember Phil Ting
· Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur
· Assemblymember Laura Friedman
· Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón
· Los Angeles City Attorney Hydee Feldstein-Soto
· LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez
11. Additional Speakers
· SEIU Local 1000
· Justice for Renters Initiative
· Local Affordable Housing Bonds Initiative
12. Candidates (Time Allowing)
13. Adjourn – (9:30pm)
March Virtual Caucus Meeting
Pursuant to our bylaws, Article XVI: Amendments to the Bylaws, we are writing you to notice the below proposed bylaw changes to be voted on at our next scheduled meeting of the caucus on Sunday, March 5th at 2:00 PM via Zoom.
The California Democratic Party (CDP) has issued new bylaw requirements that all Caucuses will need to adopt in order to be recertified.
We have incorporated our existing bylaws into the newly required CDP bylaw framework and the CDP LGBTQ Caucus Board has voted to put these amended bylaws before you for your consideration.
The full text of the newly proposed bylaws can be seen here. The current bylaws can be found on our website www.cdplgbtqcaucus.org
As a reminder, under the current bylaws, you must be a dues paid member in order to be vote eligible. All dues expire on December 31st at 11:59PM.
If you have not yet signed up for your 2023 dues, you may do so here before the March 5th Caucus meeting. If you have not paid dues before March 5th, you will not be eligible to cast a vote.
The next Caucus meeting will be held virtually on Sunday March 5th at 2:00 PM where we will review and vote on the adoption of CDP's newly issued bylaw requirements all Caucuses will need to adopt in order to be recertified
Topic: CDP LGBTQ Caucus Meeting
Time: Mar 5, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 5979 9715
Passcode: 062291
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88359799715#,,,,*062291# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,88359799715#,,,,*062291# US
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 360 209 5623 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 883 5979 9715
Passcode: 062291
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kyCqaJnxg

LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CADEM Fall Virtual Eboard
LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CADEM Fall Virtual EBOARD
Friday, November 18, 2022
8:15 – 10:15PM
The CDP LGBTQ Caucus will meet virtually for the Fall Executive Board Meeting on Friday, November 18, 8:15 – 10:15. Our focus will be the Midterm Elections and our LGBTQ+ victories across the state. The meeting will provide reports from caucus officers, preview the Rules Committee proposed new bylaws amendments for all caucuses which will be voted on during EBOARD on Sunday, provide reports from the DNC LGBTQ delegation, the CYD LGBT Caucus, and a California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus Report by Senator Scott Wiener, State Senate District 11.
In Honor of Transgender Awareness Month and Week, Senator Wiener will spotlight historic trans legislation passed in 2022.
Our Program will focus on Election Results/Club Reports, 3-5 minutes each. Per CADEM staff, we will have a hard stop at 10:15PM!
Register for the meeting here:
Meeting ID: 860 7391 3360
Passcode: 023326
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86073913360#,,,,*023326# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86073913360#,,,,*023326# US (Tacoma)
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating our midterm victories across CA!

LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CADEM Summer Eboard
Join us during CADEM's Summer Eboard for our CDP LGBTQ Caucus HYBRID meeting where we'll provide reports from current officers, conduct a bylaws amendment vote (dues paying members only), provide reports from the DNC LGBTQ delegation, and the CYD LGBTQ+ Caucus, and hear from LGBTQ elected officials!
Time permitting, candidates and measures will be allowed to address the Caucus at the end of the program with LGBTQ+ identified candidates having priority. Speakers will be given one minute to address the Caucus, time permitting. We look forward to seeing many of you and to a productive meeting!
VOTING DETAILS: Only current dues paying members will be allowed to vote during the meeting. If you are not a current dues paying member as of yesterday, July 5th, you can still sign up here. If signing up after July 5th, please provide a copy, or forward your confirmation of sign up to info@cdplgbtqcaucus.org We will accept sign ups until 5:00PM on Saturday the 9th, but you must send proof of sign up to the email above in order to be eligible to vote.
Date: Saturday, July 9th
Time: 5:45PM - 7:30PM
Where: J.W. Marriott Hotel (Room - Atrium III)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 7391 3360
Passcode: 023326
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86073913360#,,,,*023326# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86073913360#,,,,*023326# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 860 7391 3360
Passcode: 023326
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbfflbcYv

California Democratic Party’s Summer Executive Board Meeting
Online Registration to be credentialed for this meeting will close promptly on June 16th at 5:00pm. Thank you for honoring this deadline!
When you are using your device: We highly recommend using a desktop or laptop device when registering. If you are using a mobile device please switch to desktop mode. If you do not see the “EBoard” tab once you have logged into your portal please log out, clear your cache and then log back in. If you are still experiencing issues please contact operations@cadem.org.
Registration Fees:
EBoard Member Registration* | $50
Standing Committee Member (non-EBoard Member ONLY) | $50
2022 DSCC Dues | $60
Observer Pass | $70
NOTE: Registration fees and annual dues will be a combined fee if annual membership dues have not been paid
* In order to vote, and have one’s vote counted, at this Executive Board Meeting, an Executive Board member must have timely paid their 2022 DSCC dues and registration fee (or had them waived, by request from the EBoard/DSCC Member) registered for the meeting, received the meeting, Obtained their credential prior to the close of credentialing, completed and returned to the proper authority any ballot that may be issued, and agreed to the CDP Code of Conduct.
Non-EBoard Members or non-standing Committee Members who wish to be credentialed for the Friday and Saturday Executive Board General Sessions can do so by requesting an EBoard Observer Pass.
CDP Caucus meetings, Standing Committee meetings, training, and organizing actions during the Executive Board meeting are open to all Democrats who are welcome to attend and do NOT need to be Credentialed when not attending
Friday or Saturday General Session.
**Reservations for this event close on Thursday, June 16, 2022 or when the block sells out. Please do not wait until the last minute to book your room.
A dedicated booking website has been created for our event so our guests will be able to make, modify and cancel their hotel reservations online, as well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities or other services offered by the hotel.

CADEM Celebrates Harvey Milk Day & LGBTQ+ Pride
If you haven’t already, register to join us at our upcoming CADEM Celebrates Harvey Milk Day & LGBTQ+ Pride Event on May 24 from 6-7 PM PDT.
And this just in: Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and Assemblymember Evan Low will be joining the program too.
As the Supreme Court moves to potentially reverse Roe v. Wade and with it over 50 years of precedent protecting the right to privacy, it is now more important than ever that our LGBTQ+ clubs, organizations, people, and allies mobilize in defense of progress. That is why your elected leaders, activists, and advocates from across California will discuss the importance of leveraging PRIDE for social justice.
We can keep marching toward equality or be stopped in our progress and shoved backwards.
In the month of June, we celebrate the contributions our LGBTQ+ brothers, sisters, and siblings have made in the fight for equality and civil rights. June was chosen as pride month in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, which was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement, and today symbolizes a far larger fight for equality and freedom. As Republican leaders increasingly attack America’s transgender communities, instigate hateful culture wars, and undermine the fundamental right to privacy, this fight continues today. This June will be a monumentally important celebration of pride in our diversity, collective strength, and defiance in the face of injustice.
Register at CADEM.vote/pride

CADEM Endorsing Convention - LGBTQ Caucus Meeting
CADEM Endorsing Convention, LGBTQ Caucus Meeting will occur this Friday, March 4th from 5:00PM - 7:00PM. Register Here!
Tentative Agenda* subject to change
The CDP LGBTQ Caucus meeting will provide reports from current officers, conduct a bylaws amendment vote (dues paying members only), provide reports from the DNC LGBTQ delegation, and the CYD LGBT Caucus, followed by a 40-minute program moderated by the Honorable Dan Arriola and the Honorable Devin Murphy on Running for Office as an LGBTQ Candidate in 2022 and the Current Landscape (anti-LGBTQ attacks, racism), and current challenges compared to previous campaigns (2020-2022).
Our Guest Panelists
- Robert Garcia for Congress (CD-42)
- Ron Galperin for State Controller
- Alex Lee for Assembly (AD-25)
- Rick Zbur for Assembly (AD-51)
- Georgette Gomez for Assembly (AD-80)
Our invited guest speakers are Congresswoman Katie Porter, (CD-45) and Senator Scott Wiener, (SD-11).
We will be allotting time for ballot measures and candidates to address the caucus at the end of the meeting, time allowing. Please see our guidance on speaking: Ballot Measures and Candidates Speaking Requests at CADEM Endorsing Convention, LGBTQ Caucus Meeting.
The meeting will be virtual and convened via zoom. Candidates will be allowed to speak to the Caucus at the end of the meeting during the last 5-10 minutes, time allowing. We will take a list via the candidate requests in the chat box after we announce opening up of candidates. LGBTQ+ identified candidates will have priority in speaking first. All speakers will be given one minute each to speak and will be timed. You will be allowed to drop campaign information via the chat box. Candidates/Speakers should join the meeting at least 15 minutes prior to the announced ending time.
We look forward to seeing many of you and to a productive meeting!

CDP and LGBTQ Caucus Transgender Day of Remembrance
Join the California Democratic Party and the CADEM LGBTQ Caucus on Saturday, November 20th from 12:00PM - 1:00PM for a very special event to celebrate Transgender Day of Remembrance!
The month of November celebrates the transgender and gender nonconforming communities and raises awareness for the community through education and advocacy activities. Transgender Awareness Week is observed November 13-19th as a lead up to November 20th Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). Transgender people, allies, and organizations around the world, help raise visibility and address issues such as discrimination, prejudice, and acts of violence members of the transgender community face and to uplift the voices and experiences of the transgender and gender non-conforming (transgender/GNC) community.
TDOR is observed around the world, to honor those who lost their lives as a result of transphobia and anti-trans hatred and is meant to draw attention to the continued acts of violence endured by transgender people. In addition, this day is meant to highlight the importance of seeing transphobic violence as intrinsically connected to race, gender, and class. This is reflected in the disproportionate acts of violence against transwomen of color, predominately in Black and Latinx transgender women. This is also recognized as a day of Trans Resilience.
Ending Transgender Awareness Week 2021, the CDP LGBTQ Caucus is honored to partner with CADEM to host Transgender Day of Remembrance as part of CADEM Celebrates during the fall/winter Executive Board Meeting. Emceed by Caucus Co-Chairs Lester Aponte and Tiffany Woods, we will celebrate, remember, and mourn those taken by transphobia and anti-trans violence while fighting for the living with a conversation with Honey Mahogany, San Francisco Democratic Party Chair, The Honorable Evelyn Stafford Rios, Justice of the Peace, Arkansas, and Dr. Marisa Richmond, Professor of Women’s and Gender History, Middle Tennessee, State University on the impact of anti-trans legislation and how we fight it. This event is free and open to all caucus members and the public. Please join us!
Register Here!

LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CDP Fall Executive Board
Join us for our virtual LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the 2021 CDP Fall Executive Board Meeting on Friday, November 19th from 8:15PM to 10:15PM.
We’ve been busy since our last meeting and we can’t wait to share what we’ve been up to. Learn about the latest caucus updates, reports, LGBTQ club spotlights, and hear from some of our favorite elected officials!
Joining us with a recorded video message will be CA US Senator Alex Padilla recognizing Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance, Rep. Ro Khanna, who will discuss the Build Back Better framework and how caucus members can get better informed and support efforts to make it into law, State Senator Scott Wienar will give and update from the CA LGBTQ Legislative Caucus, and Cecilia Chung, former caucus board member, International Human Rights Activist and Director of Evaluation and Strategic Initiatives, Transgender Law Center, will join Co-Chair Woods in conversation on transgender issues.
You can join us at the Zoom link here!
Need to renew your dues? No problem, you can do so here before our meeting!

LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CDP Summer Executive Board Meeting
Join us for our virtual LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the 2021 CDP Summer Executive Board Meeting on Friday, August 27th from 8:15PM to 10:15PM.
We’ve been busy since our last meeting and we can’t wait to share what we’ve been up to. Learn about the latest caucus updates and hear from some of our favorite elected officials! Check this space regularly for an agenda to follow.
Please register at the Zoom link here in order to attend.
Need to renew your dues? No problem, you can do so here before our meeting!

CDP 2021 Summer Executive Board
The 2021 Summer Executive Board will be held virtually August 25 – 29, 2021 through the CDP’s Zoom Account on a virtual platform that integrates with Zoom.
Registration is Now Open!
Meeting Date: Wednesday, August, 25 – Sunday, August 29, 2021
For those requiring American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters, Real-Time Captions (CART), or any other specific ADA requirements please complete the Accommodations Request Form by Thursday, August 12, 2021, at 5:00pm, for CDP staff to make the necessary arrangements.
Registration: Monday, July 12, 2021 – Thursday, August 12, 2021. The registration period will close promptly at 5:00pm on August 12th.
Executive Representative Registration: $30 | Standing Committee Member Registration (for those who are not EBoard Representatives) : $30 | 2021 DSCC Dues: $60 | Observer Pass: $40
Fully registered EBoard attendees will receive an invite to create a profile for the virtual event platform beginning the first week of August.
Executive Board/Standing Committee Members: To begin registering, please click here. (We highly recommend using a desktop or laptop device when registering. If you are using a mobile device please switch to desktop mode. If you do not see the “EBoard” tab once you have logged into your portal please log out, clear your cache and then log back in. If you are still experiencing issues please contact membership-support@cadem.org.)
Note: All registrants to the August 2021 Summer Executive Board meeting will be considered credentialed once approved by the CDP Credentials Committee Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 6:00 pm. The Summer Executive Board Credentialing will end at that time.
There will be no opportunity to register during the actual Virtual Executive Board meeting.
Observer Registration – Click Here to Request an Observer Pass – (Non-EBoard/Non Standing Committee Member Registration – Fully registered Observers will receive an invite to create a profile for the virtual event platform beginning the first week of August.)

LGBTQ+ Day of Action
Join Equality California, the California Democratic Party, the CDP LGBTQ Caucus, and partner organizationsfor an LGBTQ+ Day of Action! The Republican Recall is nothing but a partisan power grab, backed by far-right, anti-LGBTQ+ extremists. We need our LGBTQ+ community to return their vote-by-mail ballots or head the polls on Tuesday, September 14. Help us mobilize our community and spread the word to vote NO on the Republican Recall.
Thursday, August 19
Virtual Rally | 5:30 PM PT
Phonebank | 6-8 PM PT
Guest Speakers
Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara
San Francisco Democratic Party Chair Honey Mahogany
Equality California Executive Director Rick Chavez Zbur
RSVP here and join us to help mobilize our LGBTQ+ community!