Pursuant to our bylaws, Article XVIII: Amendments to the Bylaws, we are writing you to notice the below proposed bylaw amendments to be voted on at our next scheduled meeting of the Caucus on Saturday, November 11th at 11:00AM via Zoom.
The California Democratic Party (CDP) has issued new bylaw requirements that all Caucuses will need to adopt in order to be recertified.
In May of 2023, the Caucus membership voted to adopt and incorporate the newly required CDP bylaw framework. Upon review from the CDP Rules Committee, further bylaw amendments were deemed necessary and a conditional recertification was granted.
The CDP Rules Committee has approved these proposed bylaw amendments for noticing to the membership and they are before you for your consideration. If adopted, the LGBTQ Caucus will then be eligible for full recertification by the CDP Rules Committee.
The full text of the proposed bylaw amendments can be seen here. The proposed changes are in red. The current bylaws can be found on our website www.cdplgbtqcaucus.org
Zoom Information
Saturday, November 11th at 11:00AM
Meeting ID: 868 6899 2155
Passcode: 670391
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86868992155#,,,,*670391# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,86868992155#,,,,*670391# US