LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CADEM Fall Virtual EBOARD
Friday, November 18, 2022
8:15 – 10:15PM
The CDP LGBTQ Caucus will meet virtually for the Fall Executive Board Meeting on Friday, November 18, 8:15 – 10:15. Our focus will be the Midterm Elections and our LGBTQ+ victories across the state. The meeting will provide reports from caucus officers, preview the Rules Committee proposed new bylaws amendments for all caucuses which will be voted on during EBOARD on Sunday, provide reports from the DNC LGBTQ delegation, the CYD LGBT Caucus, and a California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus Report by Senator Scott Wiener, State Senate District 11.
In Honor of Transgender Awareness Month and Week, Senator Wiener will spotlight historic trans legislation passed in 2022.
Our Program will focus on Election Results/Club Reports, 3-5 minutes each. Per CADEM staff, we will have a hard stop at 10:15PM!
Register for the meeting here:
Meeting ID: 860 7391 3360
Passcode: 023326
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86073913360#,,,,*023326# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86073913360#,,,,*023326# US (Tacoma)
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating our midterm victories across CA!