Join us during CADEM's Summer Eboard for our CDP LGBTQ Caucus HYBRID meeting where we'll provide reports from current officers, conduct a bylaws amendment vote (dues paying members only), provide reports from the DNC LGBTQ delegation, and the CYD LGBTQ+ Caucus, and hear from LGBTQ elected officials!
Time permitting, candidates and measures will be allowed to address the Caucus at the end of the program with LGBTQ+ identified candidates having priority. Speakers will be given one minute to address the Caucus, time permitting. We look forward to seeing many of you and to a productive meeting!
VOTING DETAILS: Only current dues paying members will be allowed to vote during the meeting. If you are not a current dues paying member as of yesterday, July 5th, you can still sign up here. If signing up after July 5th, please provide a copy, or forward your confirmation of sign up to We will accept sign ups until 5:00PM on Saturday the 9th, but you must send proof of sign up to the email above in order to be eligible to vote.
Date: Saturday, July 9th
Time: 5:45PM - 7:30PM
Where: J.W. Marriott Hotel (Room - Atrium III)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 023326
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Meeting ID: 860 7391 3360
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