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LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CADEM Summer Eboard

  • JW Marroit 900 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA, 90015 United States (map)

Join us during CADEM's Summer Eboard for our CDP LGBTQ Caucus HYBRID meeting where we'll provide reports from current officers, conduct a bylaws amendment vote (dues paying members only), provide reports from the DNC LGBTQ delegation, and the CYD LGBTQ+ Caucus, and hear from LGBTQ elected officials!

Time permitting, candidates and measures will be allowed to address the Caucus at the end of the program with LGBTQ+ identified candidates having priority. Speakers will be given one minute to address the Caucus, time permitting. We look forward to seeing many of you and to a productive meeting!

VOTING DETAILS: Only current dues paying members will be allowed to vote during the meeting. If you are not a current dues paying member as of yesterday, July 5th, you can still sign up here. If signing up after July 5th, please provide a copy, or forward your confirmation of sign up to We will accept sign ups until 5:00PM on Saturday the 9th, but you must send proof of sign up to the email above in order to be eligible to vote.


Date: Saturday, July 9th
Time: 5:45PM - 7:30PM

Where: J.W. Marriott Hotel (Room - Atrium III)


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Meeting ID: 860 7391 3360
Passcode: 023326
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July 8

California Democratic Party’s Summer Executive Board Meeting

November 18

LGBTQ Caucus Meeting at the CADEM Fall Virtual Eboard